- Position
- Games Played
- Minutes Played
- Starts
- Substitution On
- Substitution Off
- Passes
- Passing Accuracy
- Passing Accuracy opp. Half
- Duels Won
- Duels Lost
- Duels Won (%)
- Aerial Duels Won
- Aerial Duels Lost
- Aerial Duels Won (%)
- Recoveries
- Tackles Won
- Tackles Lost
- Tackles Won (%)
- Clearances
- Blocks
- Interceptions
- Penalties Conceded
- Fouls Won
- Fouls Conceded
- Yellow Cards
- Red Cards
- Goals
- Penalty Goals
- Minutes Per Goal
- Total Shots On Target
- Total Shots Off Target
- Shooting Accuracy
- Successful Crosses
- Unsuccessful Crosses
- Successful Crosses (%)
- Assists
- Chances Created
- Penalties Won
- Offsides
Ali Bosnina is a professional rugby player for St Peterβs RFC in Cardiff-Wales, also he plays for the USW (University of SouthWales) team. He is a member of the Rugby2018 project as well since April/2014. Currently Ali took a level 1 refereeing course, and now he is a rugby union referee(U16) as well, also obtained a certificate in Law Of Rugby Union form the World Rugby. Ali Bosnina has a target to use sport and rugby in changing the lenvironment around him.